This website is not intended to be a "blog."
By that, I mean, I am not going to try to post some bright comment to it every day, nor am I expecting readers who happen across it to send me their comments.
For any reading this who don't know me personally, I will suggest to you that I don't fit neatly into any of those easy stereotypes into which people are so often bunched.
I am a Democrat military officer retiree, lawyer, pro-gun, and social liberal. Although I don't "like" abortion, I am enthusiastically pro-abortion. I am anti-nuclear power and fiscal conservative.
I am a an environmentalist "tree hugger," who knows we have to shoot some of Bambi's relatives if we don't want many of the deer to starve to death, since we have eliminated their natural predators.
I believe every industry has a responsibility to all of us to operate without polluting our environment. This is as true for global warming gases as it is for water pollution or littering. As a Boy Scout, I learned to leave my campsite cleaner than I found it. Industries must be required to meet the same standard. There should be NO avoidable environmental impacts from the operation of any industry. If they can't clean up after themselves, they shouldn't be operating.
I believe in international free trade, that is trade without tariffs, but also believe that for trade with the US, a foreign business needs to meet the same regulatory standards and produce under the same working and employment conditions that would be required if their products were produced domestically. We missed a golden opportunity when we failed to make that a condition on imports from countries with cheap labor, and it placed our domestic labor force under an impossible competitive disadvantage which is now reflected in our high unemployment rate.
I believe that people who receive unemployment compensation checks should be working on an hourly basis for the government to receive those checks, until they can find a job in the private sector. "TANSTAAFL" There is no such thing as a free lunch.
I don't believe in hand-outs, but do believe in giving a hand up.
I believe that it is false to claim loudly that America is a "Christian" nation, and then go on to spread hate messages about people who don't share your beliefs. That isn't "Christian" behavior.
I will add items when I have something to say, and if someone wants to send me a thoughtful comment, I'll be glad to look at it. I hope my postings are useful and informative to any readers who might find their way here.
If you disagree with anything I am saying, please let me know why you disagree, and cite the sources or authorities for your position.