BOOK REVIEW from "The Reporter" newspaper in the Florida Keys.
Key Largo author pens a powerhouse novel
"Power!" the new novel by Michael F. Chenoweth, tells of the construction of a massive satellite in orbit to constantly beam inexpensive solar energy directly to earth.
Chenoweth writes his main character, ‘Danielle’ as the embodiment of a highly evolved, intellectual and ethical human being, who decidedly knows how to convert a huge idea into an even bigger reality. Decisions she makes will affect the entire planet.
Her character is skillfully drawn out through her ability to assemble the world’s wealthiest investors in an agreement to front the capital for a series of super cargo planes, strategically placed power transformers on various continents, and a gigantic orbiting satellite with the theoretical output of 100 billion watts. The project’s name? Prometheus.
Chenoweth interlaces the obstacles confronting Danielle’s character with how the story of the plot unfolds: as if revolutionizing the world’s energy source is not already a big enough obstacle in and of itself, she also contends with an investor syndicate, and oil rich nations who will do anything to stop her. But it is against the backdrop of her leadership, political savvy, and firm grasp of technological advancements that Chenoweth creatively sifts out her character between the lines — that enduring element of humanity which thrives on thinking and doing beyond the confines of our planet’s finite space.
The tone underneath Chenoweth’s text traverses the socio-political and technological realms of human ingenuity and cultural improvements in a post-industrial society at a pace perfectly mirroring the very urgency surrounding the issue of sustainable energy itself.
The book follows Danielle’s global jet-setting efforts to lift Project Prometheus (literally) off the ground — from Kenya, Namibia, and Morocco, to London, India, and Asia, to a remote South Pacific island.
If the reader is an aviation junkie, an engineer, a tax-code lawyer, an environmental activist, an energy aficionado, a physicist, or just a simpleton like me who, since I can remember, has had the word “possibility” filed in his “Favorite Words” folder, this book is a must-read. Even the delightfully set up, unexpected curve balls Chenoweth throws with a car-bombing or an aircraft sabotage do not set aside how aptly the novel’s title plays on its two most commonly understood meanings — gigawatts, and what Nietzsche meant when he wrote,
“Life is the will to power and nothing besides.”
David Stevens, Book reviewer for The Reporter newspaper.
"Power!" is a novel about moving the source of energy for mankind from fossil fuel to the next level.
Power! is available at Books and Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (305-442-4408).
It also can be ordered from amazon.com ( http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Power+Michael+Chenoweth&x=0&y=0 )
or barnesandnoble.com ( http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?WRD=Power+Michael+Chenoweth ),
or from http://stores.lulu.com/mikechenoweth.
The retail price is $24.95, but both Amazon and Barnes and Noble offer discounts.
An electronic version is downloadable at http://stores.lulu.com/mikechenoweth for $15.00.
The author (michael@michaelchenoweth.com) will send you a signed copy, to US addresses, for $26.70 (which includes Florida State Sales Tax) plus $5.30 ($32.00 total) for shipping and handling.
It is less expensive and more convenient to order with your credit card from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, but if you would still like to have an autographed copy, contact the author at the e-mail above for the address to send your check in payment. Make your check payable to "Michael Chenoweth."